TARG_DIR is the root directory for catalogs of targets, gfas, skies, randoms, pixweight files (files of quantities from the random catalogs averaged across HEALPixels) and QA (quality assurance) webpages. The canonical location is $DESI_ROOT/TS/target/catalogs but the environment variable TARG_DIR can be set to point anywhere. Here, TS is, e.g., public/ets for DESI early target selection.


  • Target catalogs derived from DESI Legacy Surveys imaging are grouped by the imaging Data Release (DR) as a drX.Y string. The X refers to the primary Data Release integer and the Y is only rarely used for critical reprocessing of a Data Release (e.g. dr7.1).

  • Target catalogs derived solely from Gaia are in the gaiadr2 directory.

  • Fixed subpriorities assigned for the DESI Main Survey (see Section 5.2 of the Myers et al. DESI Target Selection Pipeline paper) are stored in the subpriority directory.
