SCND_DIR is the root directory for secondary targets. The canonical location is $DESI_ROOT/TS/target/secondary but the environment variable SCND_DIR can be set to point anywhere. Here, TS is, e.g., public/ets for DESI early target selection.

Under SCND_DIR, secondary targets are grouped according to DESI observational phase. Observational phases include “mainX” for iterations of the DESI Main Science Survey, “svX” for iterations of Survey Validation and “cmx” for commissioning, where “X” is an integer.

SCND_DIR may also contain a directory bespoke which includes secondary programs that needed special handling to be incorporated into DESI observations. The bespoke directory contains simple text files with an accompanying README file that describes each special program.

Finally, SCND_DIR may include a README file outlining the general nature of secondary targets.
