Source code for desidatamodel.scan

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Deep scan available files to obtain a comprehensive set of metadata.
import os
import re
from sys import argv
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from random import choices
from collections import Counter

from desiutil.log import log, DEBUG

from . import DataModelError
from .stub import Stub
from .check import DataModel

[docs]class UnionStub(Stub): """Container for unified metadata for both existing models and data files. Initialize the metadata with a :class:`~desidatamodel.check.DataModel` object, then add additional :class:`~desidatamodel.stub.Stub` metadata. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~desidatamodel.check.DataModel` A data model file object. count : :class:`int` Number of files that will be examined. This is used to determine whether a keyword or column is mandatory, optional or unused. error : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, failure to extract certain required metadata raises an exception. """ _o = '[1]_' # Marker for optional keywords and columns. def __init__(self, model, count, error=False): self.model = model self.count = count self.error = error if model.hdumeta is None: modelmeta = model.extract_metadata(error=error) self.headers = list() self.nhdr = len(list(model.hdumeta.keys())) self._hdumeta = sorted([model.hdumeta[k] for k in model.hdumeta], key=lambda x: x['number']) for m in self._hdumeta: self.headers.append({'EXTNAME': m['extname'], 'XTENSION': m['extension']}) # # Initial optional and required keywords. # # self.optional = [set([k[0].split()[0] for k in h['keywords'] if self._o in k[0]]) for h in self._hdumeta] # self.required = [set([k[0].split()[0] for k in h['keywords'] if self._o not in k[0]]) for h in self._hdumeta] self.counter = [{'keywords': Counter(), 'format': Counter()} for h in self._hdumeta] # # Remove all optional markers from union set. # for h in self._hdumeta: for k in range(len(h['keywords'])): key = h['keywords'][k] if self._o in key[0]: h['keywords'][k] = (key[0].split()[0], key[1], key[2], key[3]) if h['extension'] == 'BINTABLE': if h['format'][0] != Stub.columns_header: h['format'] = [Stub.columns_header] + h['format'] for k in range(len(h['format'])): col = h['format'][k] if self._o in col[0]: h['format'][k] = (col[0].split()[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]) # # Placeholders # self.filename = self.model.filename self._basef = str(self.model.regexp).split('/')[-1].strip("')") self._modelname = self.model.title self._filetype = self.model.filetype.upper() self._filesize = self.model.filesize self._hduname = None self._contents = None return
[docs] def update(self, hdu, data, columns=False): """Search for missing keywords or columns in `hdu` and add them if necessary. Parameters ---------- hdu : :class:`int` The HDU number. data : :class:`list` List of keywords or columns to compare to the internal set. columns : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, `data` represents BINTABLE columns, rather than keywords. """ metadata = self.hdumeta[hdu] m = 'keywords' it = 'keywords' data_set = set([k[0] for k in data]) if columns: m = 'format' it = 'columns' try: data_set.remove('Name') except KeyError: pass model_set = set([k[0] for k in metadata[m]]) try: model_set.remove('Name') except KeyError: pass # # Compare the items that are in both sets. # common_set = data_set & model_set for item in common_set: if item in self.counter[hdu][m]: self.counter[hdu][m][item] += 1 else: self.counter[hdu][m][item] = 1 meta_index = [i for i, k in enumerate(metadata[m]) if k[0] == item][0] data_index = [i for i, k in enumerate(data) if k[0] == item][0] original_item = metadata[m][meta_index] new_item = original_item if columns: foo, meta_type, meta_units, meta_comment = original_item foo, data_type, data_units, data_comment = data[data_index] if meta_type != data_type: log.warning("HDU%d column %s has different type (%s != %s).", hdu, item, data_type, meta_type) new_item = (item, data_type, new_item[2], new_item[3]) if data_units and not meta_units: log.debug("Adding unit '%s' to HDU%d column %s.", data_units, hdu, item) new_item = (item, new_item[1], data_units, new_item[3]) # if data_comment and not meta_comment: #"Adding comment '%s' to HDU%d column %s", data_comment, hdu, item) # new_item = (item, new_item[1], new_item[2], data_comment) else: foo, meta_example, meta_type, meta_comment = original_item foo, data_example, data_type, data_comment = data[data_index] if data_example and not meta_example: log.debug("Adding example '%s' to HDU%d keyword %s.", data_example, hdu, item) new_item = (item, data_example, new_item[2], new_item[3]) if meta_type != data_type: log.warning("HDU%d keyword %s has different type (%s != %s).", hdu, item, data_type, meta_type) new_item = (item, new_item[1], data_type, new_item[3]) if data_comment and not meta_comment: log.debug("Adding comment '%s' to HDU%d keyword %s.", data_comment, hdu, item) new_item = (item, new_item[1], new_item[2], data_comment) if new_item != original_item: log.debug("metadata['%s'][%d] = ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", m, meta_index, new_item[0], new_item[1], new_item[2], new_item[3]) metadata[m][meta_index] = new_item # # Add missing items to the union model. # if len(data_set - model_set) > 0: log.debug('Adding %s to HDU%d missing from model: %s', it, hdu, str(data_set - model_set)) for item in (data_set - model_set): if item not in self.counter[hdu][m]: self.counter[hdu][m][item] = 1 data_index = [i for i, k in enumerate(data) if k[0] == item][0] data[data_index] foo, data_type, data_units, data_comment = data[data_index] log.debug("metadata['%s'].append(('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s'))", it, item, data[data_index][1], data[data_index][2], data[data_index][3]) metadata[m].append((item, data[data_index][1], data[data_index][2], data[data_index][3])) # # Subtract keywords not in the data for marking as optional. # if len(model_set - data_set) > 0: log.debug('These %s in HDU%d missing from data: %s', it, hdu, str(model_set - data_set)) for item in (model_set - data_set): if item not in self.counter[hdu][m]: self.counter[hdu][m][item] = 0 return
[docs] def mark_optional(self): """Mark the keywords and columns that do not appear in every file as optional. """ for i, hdu in enumerate(self.hdumeta): for j, keyword in enumerate(hdu['keywords']): k = keyword[0] if self.counter[i]['keywords'][k] == self.count: log.debug("%s is a required keyword in HDU%d.", k, i) elif self.counter[i]['keywords'][k] > 0: log.debug("%s is an optional keyword in HDU%d (%d).", k, i, self.counter[i]['keywords'][k]) ko = k + ' ' + self._o hdu['keywords'][j] = (ko, keyword[1], keyword[2], keyword[3]) else: log.debug("%s is an unused keyword in HDU%d.", k, i) hdu['keywords'][j] = (k, '**UNUSED**', keyword[2], keyword[3]) if hdu['extension'] == 'BINTABLE': for j, column in enumerate(hdu['format']): if j == 0: continue c = column[0] if self.counter[i]['format'][c] == self.count: log.debug("%s is a required column in HDU%d.", c, i) elif self.counter[i]['format'][c] > 0: log.debug("%s is an optional column in HDU%d (%d).", c, i, self.counter[i]['format'][c]) co = c + ' ' + self._o hdu['format'][j] = (co, column[1], column[2], column[3]) else: log.debug("%s is an unused column in HDU%d.", c, i) hdu['format'][j] = (c, column[1], column[2], '**UNUSED**') return
[docs]def collect_files(root, model): """Scan a directory tree for all files that correspond to a data model files. Parameters ---------- root : :class:`str` Path to real files on disk. model : :class:`~desidatamodel.check.DataModel` A data model file object. Returns ------- :class:`list` All files in `root` that match `model`. """ ignore_directories = ('logs', 'scripts') include_extensions = ('.fits', '.fits.fz', '.fits.gz') files = list() for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root): for d in ignore_directories: try: dirnames.remove(d) except ValueError: pass include_filenames = list() for e in include_extensions: include_filenames += [f for f in filenames if f.endswith(e)] for f in include_filenames: fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, f) m = model.regexp.match(fullname) if m is not None: files.append(fullname) return files
[docs]def union_metadata(model, stubs, error=False): """Combine all HDU metadata from `model` and `stubs`. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`~desidatamodel.check.DataModel` The initial data model. stubs : :class:`list` A list of :class:`~desidatamodel.stub.Stub` objects. error : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, failure to extract certain required metadata raises an exception. Returns ------- :class:`~desidatamodel.stub.Stub` A new :class:`~desidatamodel.stub.Stub` object containing the unified metadata of all the inputs. """ log.debug("union = model.extract_metadata(error=%s)", error) modelmeta = model.extract_metadata(error=error) union = UnionStub(model, len(stubs), error=error) for s in stubs: if s.nhdr != len(modelmeta.keys()): log.warning("Data file %s has the wrong number of " + "sections (HDUs) according to %s.", s.filename, model.filename) stub_meta = s.hdumeta for i in range(s.nhdr): dexex = stub_meta[i]['extname'] if dexex == '' and i > 0: log.warning("Data file %s has no EXTNAME in HDU%d.", s.filename, i) try: modelhdumeta = modelmeta[dexex] except KeyError: try: modelhdumeta = modelmeta['HDU{0:02d}'.format(i)] except KeyError: # # Fall back on trying to find HDU by number. # log.warning("Could not find EXTNAME = '%s' in %s; trying by HDU number.", dexex, model.filename) for key in modelmeta: if modelmeta[key]['number'] == i: modelhdumeta = modelmeta[key] # # Check for EXTNAME # mexex = modelhdumeta['extname'] if (dexex != '' and mexex != '' and dexex != mexex): log.warning("Data file %s has an EXTNAME mismatch " + "in HDU%d (%s != %s) " + "according to %s.", s.filename, i, dexex, mexex, model.filename) # # Collect keywords # union.update(i, stub_meta[i]['keywords']) # # Collect columns # if modelhdumeta['extension'] == 'BINTABLE': union.update(i, stub_meta[i]['format'], columns=True) # # Mark keywords and columns that don't appear in every file as optional. # union.mark_optional() return union
[docs]def _options(): """Parse command-line options. Returns ------- :class:`~argparse.Namespace` The parsed options. """ desc = """Deep scan available files to obtain a comprehensive set of metadata. """ parser = ArgumentParser(description=desc, prog=os.path.basename(argv[0])) parser.add_argument('-d', '--datamodel-dir', dest='desidatamodel', metavar='DIR', help='Override the value of DESIDATAMODEL.') parser.add_argument('-l', '--path-level', dest='level', metavar='N', type=int, default=0, help='Map data directory to data model at N levels down (default %(default)s).') parser.add_argument('-n', '--number', dest='number', metavar='N', type=int, default=100, help='Scan at most N files (default %(default)s).') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', metavar='FILE', help='Specify output file or directory. Defaults to the name of the input file in the current directory.') # parser.add_argument('-F', '--compare-files', dest='files', # action='store_true', # help='Compare an individual data model to an individual file.') # parser.add_argument('-K', '--skip-keywords', dest='skip_keywords', action='store_true', # help="Don't check FITS header keywords") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='Set log level to DEBUG.') parser.add_argument('-W', '--warning-is-error', dest='error', action='store_true', help='Data model warnings raise exceptions.') parser.add_argument('model', metavar='MODEL_FILE', help='Individual data model file.') parser.add_argument('directory', metavar='DATA_DIR', nargs='+', help='Check files in this top-level directory that match MODEL_FILE.') options = parser.parse_args() return options
[docs]def main(): """Entry point for the deep_scan_metadata script. Returns ------- :class:`int` An integer suitable for passing to :func:`sys.exit`. """ options = _options() if options.verbose: log.setLevel(DEBUG) if 'DESIDATAMODEL' in os.environ: data_model_root = os.environ['DESIDATAMODEL'] else: if options.desidatamodel is not None: data_model_root = options.desidatamodel else: log.critical(("DESIDATAMODEL is not defined. " + "Cannot find data model files!")) return 1 log.debug("DESIDATAMODEL=%s", data_model_root) filename = os.path.join(data_model_root, 'doc', options.model) section = os.path.join(data_model_root, 'doc', '/'.join(options.model.split('/')[:(options.level+1)]))"Loading data model: %s.", filename) log.debug("model = DataModel('%s', '%s')", filename, section) model = DataModel(filename, section)"Processing regular expression.") log.debug("model.get_regexp('%s', error=%s)",[0], options.error) model.get_regexp([0], error=options.error) log.debug("model.regexp = %s", model.regexp) all_files = list() for root in"Finding scannable files matching %s in %s.", filename, root) all_files += collect_files(root, model) n_files = len(all_files) if n_files == 0: log.critical("No files found matching %s!", filename) return 1"Found %d files matching %s.", n_files, filename) if n_files > options.number:"Randomly down-sampling files to %d.", options.number) all_files = choices(all_files, k=options.number) n_files = len(all_files) try: stubs = [Stub(f, error=options.error) for f in all_files] except DataModelError: log.critical("Error detected while loading files!") return 1"Running union_metadata on model and stubs.") u = union_metadata(model, stubs, error=options.error) if options.output is None: outfile = os.path.join('.', os.path.basename(options.model)) elif os.path.isdir(options.output): outfile = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(options.output), os.path.basename(options.model)) else: outfile = options.output"Writing output to %s.", outfile) with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(str(u)) return 0